Sunday, July 6, 2008

Update on Sue

It sounds like yesterday just wasn't the day that the Lord had in his plans for Sue to return to Heaven. She is resting this morning taking small breaths and trying not to cough. She says when she coughs it feels like getting burned all over again and is very painful. The long term effects of this can be ashma, pneumonia, fluid in her lungs and something else they called R.A.D. and I don't know what that stands for....
Her nose is still plugged and producing mucus. She said within minutes of getting burned the mucus was flowing out of her mouth and nose so badly they had to use towels to keep it wiped up.
Thank you so much for the prayers and I hope she starts showing signs of improvement soon.


carol said...

My Sweet Niece, what a thing to go thru. So glad she's getting better but now I have such a discription in my head of what she went thru that I can't seem to shake. Does she have to go back to the doctors for a recheck. I am assuming yes. My love to her and a great big hug....

Teresa said...

She's going to call her family doctor tomorrow and make an appointment.

Reborn Baby

Reborn Baby
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