Monday, July 7, 2008

My Tiny Veggie Garden

Well, flowers too. This is taken from my back door.From here you see ivy,salvia,pin cushion flower,marigolds,oregano,white petunias,cucumbers climbing up the support,basil,tomato, eggplant, pepper. You may have to enlarge the picture to see some of these. A few of them are shy. The lawn needs to be mowed. Bob loves that job. I need another stone there.I finished Connie's pincushion ( finally ).Just need to get it sent out. Atlanta Bread tonight. So far, it's me, Karin, Maureen. Haven't heard from Carolyn yet. Maybe she will just show up. So glad Susan's kitchen floor got cleaned yesterday.You go girl!

1 comment:

Teresa said...

very nice! Looks like everyone is behaving nicely.
Have fun tonite!

Reborn Baby

Reborn Baby
Here's another one I created