Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Beautiful Little Crocheted Bubble and Sweater

It has taken me 4 straight days to crochet this outfit but I'm so in love with it I didn't mind working at all. I've done nothing else though! LOL! The little Sweater still needs buttons and 3 flowers down the front and on each sleeve but I coudn't wait to take a picture!
This came out a bigger size but I can always use a smaller crochet hook to make another one smaller.
The baby modeling it is the Denise Fagan I won on Doll-fan. She's 22 inches long.

1 comment:

Phyllis said...

WOW!I am so impressed with you.This is an absolutely incredible acheivement.It looks beautiful on her and she is beautiful.Such a cute pattern.Lovely, lovely, lovely.

Reborn Baby

Reborn Baby
Here's another one I created