Tuesday, September 30, 2008



Monday, September 29, 2008


In just one year we get to spend time together! And meet each other's families!! I'm sooo excited!!! I gotta tell ya Carol, I'm having to twist some arms to get us down to FL! Don't worry, it WILL happen!
I want to sit and have coffee with Phyllis in that "heavenly spot" in her yard, go to the beach with Carol, watch the sunset (not rise!) and sit with Teresa in her yard and watch the birds! = )

Well...that was a blast! But now I need to get to work!! = (

Sunday, September 28, 2008

I Guess Summer is Over

One of our oak trees has about 37 orangey leaves at the end of one of it's limbs. This spot looks good for a little R&R. Before the bitter winds of winter chase us away. Watched Sara's "Smallville" DVD last night. She was getting them from Netflix and suggested I watch them. Oh no, oh no, I didn't think I would like them. Well, I tried one last night, not bad,not bad.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Bright & Floral

Liz (michael's wife), Autumn and I went to JoAnn's today.A feast for the eyes. Fleece was 1/2 off. Am gathering materials for Christmas gifts for the grands. Bought a kit that was marked down. A few buttons and some thread. Actually , Autumn was supposed to be holding the thread , but must have dropped it in her excitement over some wonderful, marvelous fabric, button, whatever.Later she was savoring two big, red, hat buttons. She informed me that she would like to get them. I, of course, asked her what she was going to do with two big ,red, hat buttons... She just kinda looked at me with those big eyes. A lady standing next to us asked her what she would do with the buttons.she immediately put them up to the side of her head. She would wear them as barrettes.No, we did not purchase red hat buttons. At one point I had a bundle of lucious looking , vintage looking, wonderfully colored fabrics in my hand. You know, the pretty stacks tied up with ribbon? And yes, I was exclaiming over them to Liz. Autumn's tiny hand had that bundle tossed in the back of the cart very, very, very quickly.I just looked at her in amazement. .... She just looked at me with her cool lady gaze. So, to make a long story (stories) short, I could have easily walked out of that store with $500 worth of merchandise.

Getting Tired of Quilts?

This is a Japanese quilt.
I like this one.


Carol, I think you should make a "people" quilt of each one of your children. And please, please, please post pictures.

Kinda Homespun

Creamy Colors

Dreamy covers.

Just Use a Little Imagination

I can feel the warm breeze blowing.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Some Lottsa Color

Yikes! This one would keep you up all night. But, I do like it...

Another one

Great quilt...

Good Morning

Found some pretty quilts. Wow, some people can really do amazing things. It's a rainy , rainy day. Maybe I'll kick back a bit. This has been a kick back week. Tomorrow is saturday already. Gotta go, my eggs are ready.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cheese Cake

I was in the mood today and made a cheese cake, went to put on a sprig of mint to livin it up a bit but the mint is GONE......and you all said to keep an eye on it so that it didn't over grow....LOL Cant wait to have a piece.....Hmmmmm I love cheesecake

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Good Morning

Another kitty... A beautiful kitty. My prayers will be with you guys today.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hope Your Day is Going Along Nicely

Several times today I might have looked like that kitty..... if I was a cat. Am gathering materials for Mikey's Christmas gift. This should be fun. I'll keep you posted.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Golf Picture.....Inquiring Minds Want to Know -

Both men on the ends......which is which? Kevin - Michael - ???

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Dirtbikes, Birthday Bob, Friday Nite BD Apple Pie, & Goofy Golfers

Whatever it is, it appears to be funny. Zipping around on a dirtbike seems to agree with her.
Bob's favorite spot. Friday nite birthday apple pie.We also had a chocolate pie.
The goofy golfers. Do you like Michael and Keith's golfing costumes ? Oh yes, that's old blue underwear they use to polish their clubs with. So they had a nice time together.

A Few Activities of the Day...

Annie's pedicure. Sara's manicure. Done at Light Concept Nails.
Girl smiles.
The manly stuff.

The Chefette...

Getting the cheese.
Sprinkling the cheese.
Stirring the ziti, sauce, Italian herbs,cheese And sausage (which she cut up with a lime green plastic lettuce knife).Doesn't she look like she's been doing this all her life?
Sorry these pictures are mixed up .The apron strings are tied around and around and around, and it still is too big. But , she's ready to go to work. This child stayed with me the whole time I was preparing dinner.She was working the whole time. At the end she washed a few dishes. Everyone that walked thru the kitchen was told "We are making dinner." These pictures show just a few of the jobs she did. Mary sliced a few sausages but mainly washed and dried dishes and chopped up 5 tomatoes for the salad.Mikey had been busy doing man stuff like riding dirtbikes so he only had time to slice the bread. Autumn also helped me with the salad. Mary & Mikey gently tossed the salad.

A Few Shots

Autumn talking to Jen (Keith's girlfriend).
Art from Macy's.
More art from Macy's.
Another birthday gift for Keith from his father (since the durians weren't a roaring sucess.).
Bob's birthday cake for saturday. Butterscotch Cake...

1940's Felt Baby Shoes

I made these little baby shoes from a kit and I think it dates back to the 40's maybe.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Stuart John and Aundi

Stuart John stopped over today, they look like 2 peas in a pod.....LOL

Here You Go Carol

Bob's Birthday...

Dear husband is 80 today . He says he's "middle aged". Annie and Cathy will be here soon. I'm making a pot roast. When the girls get here we'll fancy up some pies: apple and chocolate pudding . A few things left to do. I am amazed..... I have reached alot of my goals for this weekend. That is a rare treat for me. I have worked hard and the fruits of my labor are sweet. Have a nice day my dearies.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


I like it. Hope Annie likes it. Cathy said she would take it if Annie didn't care for it. Then instead of making Cathy one for her birthday, I would just make another for Annie.
Two pockets inside. Have to do some fabric dreaming. What would I like for myself ?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Checking In

Need to put in the lining (stripe). That white canvas gives it good body. Sturdy stuff.

Here We Go

Making an Amy Butler Swing Bag for Annie's birthday.Yes Carol, it was in February. So I'll work on this for awhile, then hop back up on that stepladder. I'll post my progress. Have a nice day guys.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My Harvey Masterpiece !! LOL

Here he is , I named him Gavin Andrew. You can visit him by clicking on this link -

Reborn Baby

Reborn Baby
Here's another one I created