Monday, March 31, 2008

tomato plant-dont ask what kind cuz it doesn't tell me. Love tomatoes so I am hoping they ripen some time. I would like to have a small herb garden in my back yard but haven't gotten that far yet. Just one little tomato plant out front.
With Donnie working today (very strange to me), I need to get some things accomplished that I was lax on yesterday. I am ironing my material and planning on cutting out my pattern. Along with ironing a few little items that need done. I want to finish up the laundry, run the vaccum, tidy up the front of the house. I already know what dinner is, planned that this morning, I just need to marinate the cube steaks. When I get all that done then I will have some me time for what I enjoy doing.
Everyone have a wonderful day, Connie hope you had fun camping? Where did you go?

Sunday, March 30, 2008


This is the quilt I am making for Teresa, I know it's full of holes but..........

Saturday, March 29, 2008


Floor finished

Jonathan finished the bedroom and hallway floor. The wallpaper is temporarily taped up to give me an idea. I think I have one or maybe two more projects that can be done.Then he's off to find his own place. Maybe there won't be much available .He's done some wonderful work . Wonderful. I am very proud of him. He just gets in there, boom, crash, bang and voila ! He's created my miracle. I'm sorry if I sounded greedy(maybe there won't be much available). I am very happy with what has been accomplished, and if this is the end , then ,so be it . I thank God for blessing me beyond what I could have imagined.

Friday, March 28, 2008


We will be gone all weekend. Will connect when we get back.
O.K. SISTERS--HAS ANYONE HEARD FROM OUR COUSIN? I THINK SHE MIGHT HAVE DROPPED OF THE FACE OF THE EARTH....Just how does one drop of the "face" of the earth. Does the earth really have a face? Such a silly expression.....

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Our dear cousin connie, where are you????? Haven't heard from you since before Easter. Is everything alright?????

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Mike's truffles

He said he's not going to make these again because they take waaay too long to make. They were soooooooooo good. The bottom picture he just poured chocolate into molds.

Here are some "before" pictures. The stars and moon on my ceiling. Also clouds. Made the moom from a magazine picture, maaaany years ago.

Girls, Girls, Girls

Everyone is being so quiet lately, specially Cousin Connie. We are getting pictures but little words to express what is going on........Phyllis's is having a new floor installed this week, but yet where are the pictures of this momentous occassion. We haven't seen pictures of Connie's Easter egg coloring night. Teresa has been busy doing her beautiful dolls, as we can see. Isn't he awsome?
I just finished cleaning out my kitchen cupboard, doing laundry and deligating Bree on what I would like done, even got Brooks to take out the trash. Oh yes, I cleaned out the fridge, now I have to clean in the fridge........
I am making this wonderful Spinach Salad for dinner tonight so I need to get busy on the eggs. Making a Honey Bacon Dressing to go on it.
1/2 c honey
1/2 c vinegar
1/3 c oil
1 tsp yellow mustard
1 tsp lemon juice
crumble in 2 slices bacon
Mmmm good......

Newest Baby Available for Adoption!

Here's baby Channing, our newest in the nursery here at Beautiful Babys Nursery. He is a big baby at 6 lbs 5 oz and 21 inches long. A little Irish boy. You can visit him on ebay by clicking on this link -

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Interesting dishcloths

I need to learn to crochet.

Monday, March 24, 2008

We had a good time with Stuart and Amy. Went for a walk by the lake but left the camera in the car. It was beautiful, you'll just have to take my word for it. It was a long 3 flights of stairs walking down though....(: but definitely worth it. Amy is just perfect for Stuart and very much a part of the family..She just got over the flu and Stuart, if you cant tell, has it.
I made sure Don and I took EmergenC before we went over. lol,

Busy Weekend

Going to Stuart Johns today, banana bread is in the oven, I have Amy's quiche ready to go in as soon as the bread is done. I've got Shannon's ham spread that she likes finished and will drop it off to her on our way to Orlando.
Remember the girl I mentioned that was in the accident. Shannon's neighbor. She came out of the coma and recognized everyone yesterday. Doctors didn't think she would make it and were planning on pulling the plug. Isn't that amazing........Only by Gods Grace.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

He had fun, thanks Teresa for a great idea.

Like mother like daughter....

Little blurry, an easter egg in a plant
I hope all off you can see this OK, It might be a big dark. I need to get a couple more frames. Nice ..........

Strawberry Dessert

Strawberry Dessert made with fresh strawberries and fillo dough, when ready I'll add a dollop of whipping cream.
Easy Easter dinner today, ham, twice baked potatoes, green bean casserole and french bread.


The cookie pictures are way down at the bottom! I can not figure out how to post picture WITH the body of the post! = (
Anyway...I gotta get my work done so I can get some sleep!


These are some of the cookies we made when we went to my best friend's house on Tues. The bunny was done by Keith, he's my artist and that is the style of his signature character. He doesn't do cartoons much anymore though. Kristy-lynn likes to use the M & M's and sprinkles. I just want to get the frosting on! = ) But...I like it to be smooth!
I'm still up working on things for tomorrow. We cook our ham in a pit in the ground, so I am preparing the ham, so Gary can stick it in the pit in the morning. I cooked the eggs to color, and I need to clean up the mess we made from the pies yet! I sent KL to bed since it was nearly 11 pm. (bad mommy!) We will need to get up at 4:30 am for's about the only day of the year I actually see the sun rise! = (
So, guess I better get up from here and finish up!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

More Pics

Enjoying everyone's tales of today!

Today is almost's been a big day. I have pics......Jacob and I made a pumpkin pie, he did it all and I supervised. Tinsley and Laura made the cupcakes. You can "easily" see that they are butterflies and bees right?

Here are all the kids outside. They really enjoyed it.

These are pictures from last year. We will color eggs tomorrow evening after Rusty gets here. It's a family affair! Although, I've told everyone that this year we are not going to color so many...last year too many went in the trash because we got tired of eggs!! Kristy-lynn and I are making pies this afternoon. Cream pies...for tomorrows dinner. Okay, well my break is up!!! Love ya all and we be thinking of you at sunrise service tomorrow.
It's the day before Easter and all thru the house, I'm cleaning like crazy so to please my "Spouse"........

It's the day before Easter & all thru the house...

Good day ladies. The green mousie pincushion is for Liz (daughter-in-law). The brown is for Suzanne (daughter-in-law).That's an antique gold button. Well, ta da. OK Carol, rhyme house with mouse.

Happy Easter

As we were at walmart yesterday they had free Easter pic's with the Cute white Bunny. He's getting so big but that didn't stop him from being a wee bit shy about getting next to the bunny....notice the distance between them....
"When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, it's amore"......I don't think of it as quite "amore" as much as "wow, that's bright". As I lay sleeping, nestled so comfortably between the soft sheets this morning, dreams of fancy circling thru my mind, I gently moved my head and BOOM, a spray of white light hits my eyes, it's morning I thought, my night of sleep has ended and it's time to start my day. But as I stirred and woke, I find myself in a mist of darkness throughout my room, the sun has yet broken thru, the moon has once again fooled me by its great light coming down into my window thru my blinds........OK, I am awake now.........

Friday, March 21, 2008

Thank you, Phyllis!

Pin cushion??? You bet!!! Especially one that my cousin Phyllis made for me! Maybe it would inspire me to break out of my rut of "grind" work....and do some fun sewing!
I must be missing something, whose the baby???? very cute


Time, what time......I need more hours in the day to finish what I need to accomplish, however, I do what I can, when I can, and try to get in some time for a
shower now and then....LOL

Alright, already.....

What the heck am I doing WRONG? How do you three have so much time to do "fun" projects and all I have time for is the daily grind? HUH??? I want to go back on vacation!! Hopefully things will resume to some kind of normal next week. No, actually (maybe this is normal! Next week I get to drive Keith down to Palm Springs Mon-Thurs. to drivers ed classes. That's nearly an hour each way....which means we (Kristy-lynn and I) will be staying down there, waiting for him each day! ick. However, it's kind of exciting..he has an appt. at DMV to get his drivers permit on Thurs. after his last class! = ) My baby...... tee hee
Those pin cushions are soo cute! I didn't really take the pictures off, some were duplicated, larger down below. I will post some new ones later. I just thought the page needed a face lift! = ) And...NO ONE was posting and I was lonely.... = ) Have a great springy day!!
TERESA, I am so thrilled, I didn't know I could save those pic's. But I can now thanks to you..........WOW

Just checking to see if I can put in a picture this way.
I am grinning, your accomplishments on the pin cushions, the wall paper, and everything else in between. You are a person of great inspiration, and am proud to call you sister........

Some new pincushions. The red one isn't as "fluffy "as I would like it. And some more pictures of my " bite off more than I can chew " wallpaper. Glad you're grinnin' Carol. Big day for working . Biiiig . I'm drinking a cup of coffee. The kind with lightning bolts in it. Rarely drink that stuff. Must gobble some CoQ10...I didn't realize that you had pictures down at the bottom of the page, Connie. Good thing I caught them last night. I made a comment , but it was days after you put them on. Well, the day is running off toward the west, and i must go and catch it. I don't think I can keep up tho. Tomorrow: cousins, aunts, uncles, grandbabies. Must go down south later today to pick up Sara. Did you notice, I've posted my own pictures?

New wallpaper

The lighting isn't too good on this . the background is more of a creamy white.
Connie it must have been you playing on the blog, yet you didn't post any thing......You took all your wonderful pictures off ): You need to send us pictures via email so that we can save them for ourselves.........
I have plenty to try to accomplish today, I need to hem my dress, to cold out to wear it though. Cleaning my house is #1 on my list of to-do's. It's a mess. I want to work more on my baby quilt. In the mood to make something ingeniously sweet for later. Not sure about dinner yet. My vaccum cleaner needs an upgrade, it doesn't want to turn off any longer and part of the plug wire is bare. My clothes dryer is making this hideous screeching noise so that sounds like it's mad at me. Sparkey had decided to start pee-ing in the house again. He thinks he hides it but he doesn't. Had an issue with Bree last night so she no longer has the use of the car, except for work, her Friday nights with friends is no longer, she is going to work on fridays, even if she's not scheduled she is to go in and pick up a shift. (Thats aloud at this restaurant). She is to become "RESPONSIBLE". Don spent most of last night either at work because of an issue he had with down power or if he was home, was on the phone with his store because of said "issue".
I say all this with a SMILE on my face because I have all of you to listen to me...LOL
Wow, whose playing with the background color this time(: I got on and felt like I was sitting in my family Love Orange.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


How special I felt when I received my precious monkey in the mail today. Isn't she just beautiful, Abeni, I asked for her and I got her.......such a story in a name and so much more, MUCH more.

Officially Spring

It' is the 1st day of spring, teresa and phyllis's flowers are starting to bloom. Mine, however, are pre-bloomed. Outside the weather is making it feel like spring with the rain teeming down. I love waking to the sound of rain and the gentle way it washes away the impurities in the air. The way it give's drink to our thirsty plants, nurishes them and makes them grow.
Happy 1st day of spring and may your plants and souls this day be nurished.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

This is the cushion and pillow I made for my bench as you walk into my home.
Plenty of sleep last night so I am rar'in to go today. I am hoping to atleast get my dress cut out and if I have time I'll get it sewn. Going over to target to see if they have any "sales". Once a holiday is over they put everything on sale for 50-75% off and that includes there bake ware for that holiday. St. Patricks day might not be a big holiday but they have some great 4-leaf clover pans.
You should see my computer room, I really need to get in here and really clean. Dust enough to make a dust ball instead of a snow ball, and my sewing "stuff" is all over the place. Time to make a place for it all.
Dinner tonight I haven't decided on but I need to get on the ball if I have to take something out of the freezer to thaw.
I am tempted to run over to "my favorite store" (preowned) and see if they possibly have something I can get for Abeni to sit on in the Safari room. She needs something special. If I knew she wouldn't fall I would think about making a swing and hanging it from the ceiling but that might be too much.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I'm here, just VERY tired. I didn't get any sleep last night, tried taking a nap this afternoon and that didn't seem to work either, maybe tonight......
So glad to have connie back on the blog, and home safe and sound.
Dinner tonight is leftovers since the kids are out and Donnie was suppose to be at a meeting till late, I didn't plan anything, he came home early so it's "grabs"........
I baked a really nice "Banana pudding cake" yesterday, very moist.....


Hey guys...did you all go on vacation?

Monday, March 17, 2008

Puerto Vallarta pictures...below

Angel Food Cake....Yum!

Kristy-lynn has never made a homemade angel food cake, so we are going to go do that right now! We will put berries on top..yum, yum!

Good Morning, Ladies!!

Just wanted to check in and say hi....I'm going to go title all my PV pictures and I will post somemore for you. The sunsets were great. Since our room was on the beach we could see the sunset from out room! But of course we went out to the beach!! We had a great time just being together, walking around, eating and talking, which we don't do alot of around home...too much always going on. So, although we would have never chosen to go to MX, it was definitely worth it!
But...enough of all that I really must get busy around here.
Thank you TERESA for the St. Patrick's Day card! = )

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Aah, Abeni is awsome, I just love how you did her. You need to put her on ebay for custom orders.
I have been sewing all day, I made a test dress and know what to do and not to do when I have time to make another. I really like the pattern, doesn't have any binding power in it. lol

Connie and Abeni

Oh Connie, your trip looks and sounds sooooooo fantastic. I'm so glad you went aren't you? What lovely memories. Is that you Parasailing??? WOW! It looks so nice on the beach and the wedding picture is great as is the sunset. Just beautiful - thanks for the sharing with us!

I have taken pics of Abeni and here is the link to view them. She's so comical!



So glad to hear you enjoyed yourself, sorry to hear about aunt connie's ring but she must be thrilled to have found it. Replace it if need be, she doesn't usually take it off though, does she??? I bet the kids love having you back home, who did they stay with? Are you the only one's that went to your nieces wedding from your side or did others dare to travel out of the states? All these questions I forget to ask or forgot the answer to.......most likely the latter.
The pic's are great, love the sunset. Have a wonderful relaxing day. I am thinking of going back to bed for a wee bit, didn't sleep well.

PV Pictures and...Aunt Connie

Well, here are a few of the bazillion pictures I took! = ) I will post more early in the week. Been spending time with my kids...kind of missed them. Getting back to the "business of real life"; Aunt Connie lost her wedding ring while I was gone. It has been found. They found it in her room. But the owner of Desert Rose would like me to replace the ring with a "phoney". Not sure what I'm going to do. Aunt Connie had it appraised at one time, so there is a picture of it in her files. I thought about having one made to look like it, only with fake diamonds. It was quite upsetting to Aunt Connie when she couldn't find it. (as you can only imagine) I will NOT take the ring unless I can make her feel like she has it. On the other hand if she loses it she will probably not get over it.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

OK, so that color didn't exactly come through, Glad to have you back and cant wait to hear all about your trip.......


So nice to have you back in the states and cant wait to hear all about your trip with pictures, of course.......

OOOOOhhhh My Goodness!!!

I missed out on a WHOLE week!!! I can see there is much to catch up on! But for now I must finish up on dinner....oh yes, the trip was perfectly WONDERFUL!!! I WILL post pictures later...maybe tonight when all is quiet.
Tomorrow is Palm Sunday. Next sunday is Easter. Very soon we will kiss winter goodbye .Thank you Carol for the supper suggestion. So easy.

Where is our cousin

Shouldn't our sweet cousin be home from her trip by now???? She must have some fabulous pic's to post when she can.......Connie I pray your trip was uneventful and loads of fun.........................where ever you are, we miss your postings........

Pics for posts

See Carol, just go into "new post", go up to the blue sky picture and click. Dinner, dinner, dinner.I'm coming.


For some reason she's on another page.....OK, phyllis just maybe that I.Q. test was
Where's Abeni, she was on just a bit ago and now no longer. I haven't been able to show everyone her yet, Bree just saw her and thought she's adorable.....(: I miss her already...Was it my fault because we can only have a certain amount of pic's???? If it was I am sorry.........
OK, now I am having some fun with this.......(:
I was up so early I just had to take a nap and now I have aundi. I am making him homemade chicken soup for dinner this evening. Phyllis, I am soooo glad your feeling better. It's no fun to have a sick sis.


Hes neat

Meet Sly Fox! He tried real hard to get me to take him home a few weeks ago. The problem was, he had three others that would come right along with him. I don't think so. Well, it's Saturday...Of course, I have sizzling plans for great accomplishments. Ha ha.Sizzle turns to fizzle when it goes from mind to body.But, I will persist. Put one foot in front of the other. I do feel sooo much better than even a few days ago.

Reborn Baby

Reborn Baby
Here's another one I created