Sunday, July 13, 2008

Hanging Paper

One wall done

First strip
Did I say this is alot of work? Lots of sanding (light), priming,painting (woodwork). Then, of course, pastin, cutting, smoothing, trimming, etc.. Aren't you glad it's not you?


carol said...

Been there, done that, YES, I am glad it's not me....hee hee...It looks wonderful, you've done a very nice job on it. Wish I could see it up close and a personal view but a picture is the next best thing...Looks so refreshing, bet it feels good too....

carol said...

Did I mention that I really like the light at the end of the hallway there. Nice touch. I saw it before but wasn't sure if I said anything.

Teresa said...

Yea, good thing it's you alright. I'm getting too old.....LOL
You'll be so glad when it's all done.

Reborn Baby

Reborn Baby
Here's another one I created