Saturday, July 5, 2008

Prayer Request

Susan is in the emergency room, she was checking to see how much chlorine powder they had left in the shed as they want to set up the pool for the kids. Jeff and the boys were up to Home Depot so she was home alone with Marcyssa and Emma, when she unscrewed the lid it exploded in her face......she was lucky to have shut her eyes fast enough and her mouth was closed ...... but she inhaled the powder and is in a lot of pain when she takes in a breath....she's not breathing very good right now and her nose was burned and is producing so much mucus to combat the chlorine poison that she's complaining of that. I've spoken with her twice now and she can only whisper but sounds like she's in tears. She said the nurse told her that they will be taking an xray to see if her lungs are burned.....and I don't know how they treat that. Well, they have been giving her breathing treatments that is suppose to help her breath better..
She said when she did it she knew her neighbor was over in his yard painting their garage so she went over to the fence and he saw her. She couldn't say anything so he guessed it was chlorine and she shook her head yes and he called 911.
I'll keep you posted........Carol, this call was the beep I got when talking to you........


carol said...

Teresa, I am just sick over this...My heart goes out to her and pray that her lungs have no damage...She must have been and is scared...PLEASE LET HER KNOW I LOVE HER VERY MUCH....and keep me posted as to what is going on with her, and when she gets home...Love you sis

Teresa said...

She called to let me know that they sent her home. She's on pain meds and they told her if it gets harder for her to breath to come back to the emergency room because her lungs may get fluid in them or she may get pneumonia. This should start healing by tomorrow evening so she should see some improvement by then. She needs to rest and stay away from any cleaning products. The xrays did show a chemical burn in her lungs but I kinda thought they would just by listening to her talk.
Thank you for your prayers.

carol said...

I am surprised they didn't keep her in overnite just to keep an eye on her....I am glad she's home and she'll probably never go near chlorine again. What a freak accident.

Phyllis said...

What a shock! I'll be praying for Susan.Is.51:12 "I, even I,am he that comforteth you." I pray that even right now she can feel God's comfort.Praying for rest and healing.Please let her know I am concerned and praying for her and her family.This auntie loves her too and will be waiting to hear how she's doing.Please let us know if there's anything specific she would like us to pray for.I'll also be praying for you Teresa.

Reborn Baby

Reborn Baby
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