Saturday, July 26, 2008

My day celebrating -

Here's a link to all the pictures if you'd like to see 'em. It's Jacob's 9th birthday party. (His actual birthday is Aug 13th.


carol said...

Those pic's are amazing....such photograghy.....I keep telling shannon they grow up before your eyes, they just dont stay little for long.....Happy Birthday Jake....

Phyllis said...

Wonderful pictures. Almost like being there.You're right, Jake seems so grown up.Tell him that Great Aunt Phyllis said " Happy Birthday".Will post tomorrow.Probably call too. Been a day. Thanks for all your prayers. Pickin' Sara up at the movies. Spiderman? I'll give a review tomorrow.

Connie Marie said...

= ) probably Batman!!

Connie Marie said...

Keith has already seen it twice!!! With his own money!! AND...he wants his dad to go see it with him, too! lol

carol said...

All my kids have seen it,
Bree has seen it twice also...must be a good movie.....

Reborn Baby

Reborn Baby
Here's another one I created