Friday, July 18, 2008


Teresa said...

Looks like someone is dreaming about the lake.....maybe we should rent a cottage up in NY next summer for a week.......

carol said...

sounds good to me, however could we make it closer to me instead of farther away......just a thought....

Teresa said...

Carol, I know you LIKE flying!

Connie Marie said...
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carol said...

OH to fly....I should have my own plane....ow that's such a neat thought, maybe with my own plane I wouldn't be such a scaredy cat....
still would like to understand the bottom picture though...what's it suppose to be and what's the significance of it....

Phyllis said...

Carol, if you had your own plane,you could skip out to Cali and pick up Connie.You'll notice there are four adirondeck chairs. I had no idea that bottom picture would leave you in such a tizzy.

Reborn Baby

Reborn Baby
Here's another one I created