Friday, August 8, 2008

Keep us all in prayer....

Our camp date is finally here. = ) Our study scripture for the week will be Eph. 6:10-24. We will be up about an hour west of Redding, CA (northern CA, way north) on the Trinity River. I'm running behind...not camped, much to do.

Spent some time with Aunt Connie yesterday morning. KL and I went out and took her some of her favorite candies and also some things she needed. She seemed to be very well. I was encouraged. Our last visit ended really bad and also the whole time she never had any sparkle in her eyes. Yesterday she did. I have vosed that unless I REALLY have to I will not visit past lunch time. She is just to emotionally fragile that late in the day. And it only serves to upset her further.

A couple cute stories....
She was sitting in a corner, playing a group game when we arrived and did not realize we were there, so we just took the stuff we had brought to her room and while I had the opportunity I went through her drawers to inventory her needs. I couldn't find her face compact and knew it was most likely in her purse....BUT....WHERE THE HECK WAS THE PURSE??? I finally found it hung in the closet on a hanger UNDER her night gown! = ) That brain of hers is always is just so sad that she can't remember. So, I found the compacts (2 of them) and put one in the drawer, so when she can't find her purse, she'll have one!

KL went into her room as we were in the common room visiting to get some mini reseese' cups for Aunt Connie to snack on (part of our goodie pkg). Aunt Connie was delighted but didn't eat them...she said she didn't have enough to pass around the room! = ) That's our sweetie! I told her she didn't have to this time and she ate them! tee hee.

K-gotta fly, you guys have a great week! I'll be back in town Sun. afternoon Aug. 17.


carol said...

MIss you connie, have a great time and I'll keep you always in my prayers.....

Teresa said...

Have a wonderful time Connie and I hope your back holds up! Thanks so much for the Aunt Connie stories.

Reborn Baby

Reborn Baby
Here's another one I created