Monday, August 25, 2008

Yellow Coverings

This is what I was working on yesterday.


Teresa said...

Very nice Phyllis! I love the material.

Phyllis said...

Thank you ,Teresa. I'm finished with all that sewy stuff now.Just trying to get rid of the last of the clutter.There's not much.Am cleaning a little as I go. I'm thinking there will be some of the kids coming home for Bob's 80th. birthday ( Sept. 19 ).It will be so nice to be able to use that room again.

Connie Marie said...

very nice box! My Mom has been looking to buy a box similar...will have to share your great idea with her! She wants it for her "study" area in her bedroom. A place to store her books and have a table / stool too. = )

Reborn Baby

Reborn Baby
Here's another one I created