Saturday, August 30, 2008


Well, you can see what we did today. She's growing up. We will be celebrating Bob's birthday in a few weeks.


Teresa said...

Oh look how big she's gotten! Her hair is soooo long! Happy Birthday Autumn!
What a nice Grandma you are to make her such pretty dollys!

Phyllis said...

She seemed so pleased.She said very brightly, "For me?" Then they were wisked away by the gift presenter person. Then cake. And we went home. Maybe her mother will give me a detailed report when I see her again. She loves, loves loves her bird book that I gave her on the twins bd.They told me that after they put her to bed , they hear the birdies chirping from her room. It's in the genes ,Teresa.

Reborn Baby

Reborn Baby
Here's another one I created