Wednesday, August 13, 2008


OH MY OH MY I went to my first 3D movie today!!!! Can you see how totally scared I was? I went to see Journey to the Center of the Earth and let me tell you - if you are scared of hights than you better not go see this. It is Jakes 9th birthday today and he wanted to see it so I thought it'd be fun. Oh it was sooooo scarey! See my bug-eyes? That's what I looked like all through the movie........well, mostly I had them closed ......They did have these really awesome blue birds that I liked.


carol said...

I just had my laugh for the day after seeing and reading this......I would love to go and see it, to me it sounds like sooooo much fun....maybe I can convince donnie to take me on his next day off.....

Phyllis said...

Glad the bluebirds were there.I saw a 3D juggler or something. It looked like he was shooting things right out into the audience. Like fireworks. I've also been to an Imax a few times.I think at Liberty Science Center.It is quite an experience.

Reborn Baby

Reborn Baby
Here's another one I created