Sunday, August 30, 2009

Nice Visit

Cathy, Annie, Annie's boyfriend Bobby and I drove up to Brooklyn and had a very nice visit with Mike and Suzanne, and later at their home with Sterling and his wife Barbara. They brought dinner and we had an enjoyable time together dining, knitting, playing backgammon,( Annie and Bobby), doing dishes, admiring their apartment. While we were with Mike, he had his first chemo treatment,. I was glad we were there because we just talked and laughed and hardly noticed . We may go back tomorrow. The hospital was dirty and some of the nurses weren't very careful about germs. I can't do anything about that so God will have to take care of those nasties.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Sounds like everything went well, I've been praying for you all, for your strength and understanding. Especially that God uses this difficult time for his good, to glorify him. How wonderful it would be to see special souls saved to live eternally in Heaven.

Reborn Baby

Reborn Baby
Here's another one I created