Friday, July 10, 2009

Take a Peek...

Two tomato plants in their "lasagna bed". Oh yes, and a basil plant also.
Cucumber, basil and an heirloom tomato, "Brandywine". Green fluffy stuff- Italian oregano. Flowers- salvia. Will be putting something else in this bed.

Three kinds of peppers. Picked the first bell pepper yesterday (plant on right). Some things are in pots so the bunnies, groundhogs and voles don't get to them before I do. Rabbits supposedly are not interested in tomatoes, cukes, squash and I don't remember what else. We will see. I also am not sure if they want to scrabble up the sides of the lasagna beds.

A "Black Beauty" eggplant.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

I wish I had your green thumb! Isn't it such a nice feeling knowing that you'll have some good veges to eat soon?

Reborn Baby

Reborn Baby
Here's another one I created