Monday, June 28, 2010

Decided to add a couple more...

Brooks decided to get in on the diaper game, so much fun....Kimber had to toilet paper someone to look like a diaper....LOL
Over 30 people came, lots of fun but very overwhelming to me at times.....

Shannon's Baby Shower.......

Cupcake Cake that Briana's mom had made for her....
Party in full swing.....
Joey's mom..(The other Grandma)
Briana's mom, Briana, Bree and a horrible picture of me....
Shay, Aundi and Joey's 2, (Josh and Katlynn)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Culture of Sorrow: Part One

A Culture of Sorrow: Part One

Cactus Blooms & Garden

This cactus is so full of flowers this year! And the garden seems to be doing well. Pretty soon I won't be able to see the lamp post in the back.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Here's the guest bedroom -

It's small but works perfectly for the grandkids...

The Makeover -

The upstairs is pretty much done. A few more bits and pieces and I can start downstairs......They installed the new carpet yesterday....oh, it is so nice not to have to look at the aqua colored carpet! I had to take a pic of the railing ... I took it down and sanded it than used a dark stain. I'm rather proud of how nice it turned out.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Emma's Kindergarten Graduation -

Oh boy! She was a stinker! Can you tell??? No way were we getting a picture of her with her cap on! I was so proud of her....she sang so many patriotic songs! 1St was the Pledge of Allegiance than "America" than "Your're a Grand Old Flag" than "I'm proud to be an American." Very nicely done too. After that they sang another 8 songs. All the little ones knew all the words. She looked so nice and I wish I could have gotten a picture of her with her flowers, cap and diploma.....

Custom Order Jayden kit by Natalie Scholl -

Love Love Love this one!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Judy's Drawings

I asked Judy if she would do a couple of projects for me. That is me in the center, the bench in the park across Gr Central, the bandstand, the house on Steuben St and St Mary's church. I also had her do one of Mom from the picture of Mom and Aunt Connie when they were young. They are both done on 11 x 14 paper.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Creator Has Created Such Luscious Beauty

My peonies are blooming.

Reborn Baby

Reborn Baby
Here's another one I created